Weapon Cases

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Protection Level

Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8


Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
Level 2 body armor 8
While old hard-shell weapon cases might still be viable for long-term storage, this type of bag is quickly falling out of favor because of the lack of versatility. While you want a bag that will keep your sidearm protected both from elements and prying eyes, you also want it to be accessible when you need it. Additionally, if you are taken by surprise, such as in the case of a home invasion, you want to have your handgun as close to you as possible, and already set to go. Wasting precious seconds by finding and opening the case, or even assembling the gun, can spell disaster. There are three things you want from your weapon case or holster:
  • Easy to carry and access
  • Able to blend with your clothes
  • Resistant to tear, moisture, cold, and dust
Those looking to buy the best possible mobile weapons case will need to find something that complements their style. While there are models meant for security jobs, law enforcement, as well as militaries, most jobs will prefer to carry a concealed weapon, especially when dealing with affluent clients. A good thing is that there are multiple branches of weapon cases for sale, and the price is considerably less now that they are made with durable fibers and don’t require hard plastic and metal.

Open Carry vs. Concealed Carry Weapon Cases

An open carry case, or a holster, doesn’t have any problems when it comes to accessibility. The idea of such an item is to have your pistol accessible at all times and lay gently on your hip. But, even for open carry options, you will need to see if your holster can be placed in a good position, and quickly. Most people dislike their firearm to jam their hip while driving and usually place the entire pistol in the glove compartment during. This takes on average eight seconds from realizing the threat to responding with a firearm, and even more if your vehicle is in danger. Because of this, it is better to have a Velcro attachment on your hip and on the dash of your car, and the ability to switch your holster from one to the other together with your pistol. For concealed carry the demands are different, but accessibility is still of the essence. Trying to hide your gun under your clothes is messy and can make you less maneuverable. But, if you have your weapon in a bag, you can hide it in plain view without anyone suspecting that you are armed. Combat pockets that you can open with one hand and reach your gun in a correct position are always the best option for CC, and the rest of the bag can be used for something as well, increasing your general utility.

Using Sidearms for Sports or for Security

For military, police, law enforcement, army and a wide range of jobs and activities where you need your gun for security, it is easy to carry only the essentials. In most cases, you don’t even require an additional magazine on the spot. But, if you want to take your pistol somewhere to use it competitively against people not shooting at you, there will be some additional equipment required. Scopes, balance weights, gloves, as well as cleaning equipment are all necessary for proper maintenance and best results. Also, you will always want to carry different types of ammo depending on the type of competition, which should be clearly separated and noted. For sports users, a simple holster or shoulder bag is not enough. You will need a handgun bag that will keep multiple mags in, as well as cleaning and maintenance tools.

Better Maintenance with a Case

Those using firearms in urban environments often notice the amount of dirt and grime that will encase the pistol even after a few weeks without cleaning. While we are adapted to pollution and don’t see it in the air directly, it is still there. That is why a weapons case needs to be resistant to dirt and moisture even when you don’t plan on using it in the outback. Cases are also a good place to keep your cleaning tools. A soldier is a soldier even when they come back home. Having your weapons well-maintained is a sign of remaining loyal to our duty and caring about ourselves. Also, many find the regular act of maintaining their weapons therapeutic, as well as being good for your health objectively.
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